So the Ferrari racing team has a pretty sick RV. It’s also up for sale. Even though they used it from 2003 to 2013, don’t be fooled. This massive two-story recreational vehicle is decked out to the max. The most unique feature of this RV, or RVs as we should say, is how they operate. Typically, most recreational vehicles are strung together like one long daisy chain; and a second level might rise from the first to add height. They are usually long and tall, but never factor width into the equation much. Not so with the Ferrari RV. Both trailers can be joined together, after rising to a 7 m height, to comprise an area that is larger than 200 m². It’s like having your own office condo/living quarters complete in one unit. In fact, that’s exactly what it was for Michael Shoemaker and Fernando Alonso for many years. Now that their racing careers are finished, the motorhome is up for sale. Make sure you have deep pockets, though. This motorhome passed hundred thousand dollar land a long time ago.
Up Next: More Cool RV’s From Around The World