One of the most impressive mobile homes to ever grace the planet, the Kirivan uses cutting edge technology to create the best hybrid of luxury motorhome, and zombie high-tech apocalypse hideout. There are enough lights on this thing to probably be recognized from outer space, all utilizing high-efficiency LED lighting. The interior and exterior of the cab can be lit with a nice contrasting blue to provide ambience, and the massive towers of responders and receivers mean you should be able to get access to anything, from anywhere. Should you get stuck, might I suggest you strap something to the two tow hooks located at the front of the vehicle and pull yourself to safety. Once righted, or out of the muddy hole, you can make your way to your next destination, let out the steps upon arrival, and enjoy your humble high-tech abode while the world wastes away around you. Even though it’s four years old, Kirivan still remains one of the most badass RVs of all time.
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