I know what you’re thinking, does this even qualify as an RV? Well, it certainly looks recreational, and there is a vehicle attached, so I would have to say it does pass the litmus test. However, we have not had an appearance of an RV hauled by a rat rod. This is completely over-the-top and certainly qualifies as badass. You have to wonder what the inside looks like, and how the layout is maintained. Is this RV designed for living, camping or just for looks? I doubt seriously that it’s a parts trailer. It seems like an awful lot of time and money wasted just to come up with a cleverly designed trailer to pull behind your rat rod. Nope, I believe these people are in it for the long haul (pun absolutely intended). They are probably Grease Monkey nomads and their little rat rod RV helps feed the addiction. Imagine the challenges of driving this, though. A massive semi motorcoach is hard enough, but one pulled by a low-profile rat rod takes it to a completely different level. It would be hard to go through any fast food drive-through, pull into the parking lot that has one of those little dip entrances, and park in general. This looks like it might be more suited for a cruise in with an overnight stay. One thing is for certain though, I bet these people could care less. Once you are addicted to rat rods, gasoline and engine components, it becomes a part of you… Literally as this picture would suggest.
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