Looking for something cool to do with an Isuzu? Why not give this little creation, designed by the folks at ATW, a try? Known for making vehicles that can trek where need be, when need be, this beast is no exception. It features a double-decker platform system, with the second level rising from the top at the push of a button. Access is gained via a main entry point, and there are three storage compartments on the side for easy access to whatever you need. You can also mount a couple of tires or a bicycle to the back of the RV to get in and out of tricky situations should you get stuck. However, with an All Terrain Warriors vehicle, you have a superior engineering and design end-product, coupled with two years of research and development. All of this produces a monster that can’t be beat. It’s one of the few truly international recreational vehicles featuring parabolic suspension and multi-terrain negotiation. At the end of it all, you can still enjoy hot and cold running water, a comfortable bed and kitchen as if you were in your very own home. No wonder it is so popular among Mega RV enthusiasts.
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