What do you get when you stack a nice Airstream on top of a semi truck? One completely insane motorhome, that’s what. This is like an avian truck camper hopped up on steroids. The interior looks much like you would expect an Airstream to look, while the Kenworth semi looks the same as well. However, as you may notice, it looks like this Kenworth used to be an old towing truck that was modified to mount the Airstream on top of, and it weighs quite heavy, too, judging from the way the rear fender is pushing down on the back tires. Even better? A tow hitch makes hauling another toy or vehicle behind quite easy. Plus, since the length is approximately what a standard semi tractor-trailer would be, so driving this beast of an RV should be legal in all 50 states. You could play out your own Smokey and the Bandit scenarios with this one.
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