Okay so technically this one does not qualify as an RV, but it’s not like this is the first luxury RV trailer we have seen on this list. What you’re looking at is a motorcoach made by Luxury Foretravel. Here’s the kicker. These luxury travel trailer RVs can run anywhere from a few hundred thousand dollars to more than a million. Think $1.2 million in fact. The reason you get one of these is because you love the road, or own a sports racing team, or one of the horses from the Kentucky Derby, or have more money than you know what to do with. No matter the case, the accommodations are always plush and inviting. It’s one thing to hop across the country staying in hotel after hotel every night. It’s quite another to take your home away from home with you, never be without the comfort and familiarity you are accustomed to. The price tag is steep, but some would say it’s well worth it. Plus, if you already have a fancy Kenworth T2000 semi truck laying around your garage anyway, investing in a million-dollar plus travel trailer may not seem like such a bad idea. You can block out the world, order in, and simply climb into the cab when you are ready to head down the road toward your next destination. There’s something to be said for being rugged, yet refined.
Up Next: More Cool RV’s From Around The World